100 Ways To Help Rescues (outside of fostering and adopting)

Are you passionate about helping animals in need but unable to take on the commitment of fostering or rescuing a dog? Thankfully, there are countless other ways you can contribute to the well-being of rescue animals. Whether it's volunteering, donating supplies, or assisting with administrative tasks, here are are 100 different ways you can contribute to helping dogs in need:

  1. Transport a dog: Animal rescues often need help transporting animals from one location to another. Offering your time and vehicle can be a lifesaver.
  2. Donate bedding items: Provide comfort to rescued animals by donating dog beds, towels, and other bedding essentials.
  3. Donate money: Financial contributions are vital for covering medical expenses, food, and other necessities for rescue animals.
  4. Donate long lasting toys: Items like Kongs, Nylabones, and Hercules toys help keep rescue dogs mentally stimulated and happy.
  5. Donate a crate: Crates are essential for the safety and security of rescue animals, especially during transport.
  6. Donate x-pen or baby gate: Help create safe and secure spaces for rescued dogs in foster homes by donating x-pens or baby gates.
  7. Donate food and water bowls: Provide practical items like food dishes and stainless steel buckets to make mealtime easier for rescue animals.
  8. Donate walking gear: Ensure the safety of rescue dogs during walks by donating leashes and collars.
  9. Donate treats and food: Treats and quality food contribute to the physical well-being of rescue animals.
  10. Donate training tools: Items like treat pouches, specialty collars and leads to assist in training and behaviour rehabilitation.
  11. Walk a dog: Spend quality time with rescue dogs by taking them for walks, providing exercise and companionship.
  12. Groom a dog: Offer your grooming skills to keep rescue dogs clean and comfortable.
  13. Donate grooming supplies: Provide shampoos, combs, brushes, and other grooming essentials for rescue animals.
  14. Verify shelter information: Assist rescues by verifying information at local shelters and offering a second opinion on dog breeds.
  15. Make phone calls: Help with administrative tasks, such as making phone calls to potential adopters or donors.
  16. Mail out applications: Support the adoption process by mailing out applications to interested individuals.
  17. Provide vet clinics with educational materials: Help educate the community by providing vet clinics with information on responsible pet ownership.
  18. Drive animals to vet appointments: Offer transportation assistance for rescue animals in need of veterinary care.
  19. Donate long-distance calling cards: Facilitate communication between rescue organisations and volunteers by donating calling cards.
  20. Donate scanner or digital camera use: Provide the tools needed to document and share the stories of rescue animals.
  21. Donate photocopier use: Assist with administrative tasks by providing access to a photocopier.
  22. Attend public education days: Advocate for responsible pet ownership by participating in public education events.
  23. Donate gift certificates: Support fundraising efforts by donating gift certificates to pet stores for raffles.
  24. Be a shoulder to cry on: Offer emotional support to rescue volunteers who may feel overwhelmed.
  25. Pay boarding fees: Financially contribute to cover the cost of boarding for rescue animals.
  26. Be a Santa-paws foster: Give foster parents a break during the holiday season by fostering a dog temporarily.
  27. Clip coupons for dog food: Save money on essential supplies by clipping coupons for dog food or treats.
  28. Bake homemade doggie biscuits: Share your culinary skills by baking homemade treats for rescue animals.
  29. Support businesses that donate to rescues: Contribute to rescue efforts by making purchases through websites that donate to rescue groups.
  30. Host rescue photos on your website: Provide a platform for showcasing rescue animals and promoting their adoption.
  31. Donate time for photography: Capture high-quality photos of foster dogs for adoption materials and promotion.
  32. Conduct home visits: Ensure the suitability of potential adopters by conducting home visits or accompanying rescue personnel.
  33. Accompany rescue to the vet: Offer support to rescue personnel when dealing with multiple dogs during veterinary visits.
  34. Organise a yard sale: Raise funds for rescue organisations by organising and hosting yard sales.
  35. Educate friends about adoption: Spread the word about rescues, adopting, and fostering rescue dogs to your friends and family.
  36. Donate vet services: Contribute to the well-being of rescue animals by providing veterinary services.
  37. Interview vets for discounts: Advocate for rescue organisations by negotiating discounts with local veterinarians.
  38. Write for local newspapers: Raise awareness about rescue dogs by writing columns for local newspapers or club newsletters.
  39. Take photos for adoption listings: Help create appealing adoption materials by taking high-quality photos of dogs available for adoption.
  40. Maintain websites for listings: Support rescue organisations by maintaining websites that showcase dogs available for adoption.
  41. Help organise fundraising events: Contribute to the financial well-being of rescue organisations by helping organise and run fundraising events.
  42. Assist with paperwork: Offer administrative support by helping maintain paperwork files associated with each rescue dog.
  43. Tattoo or microchip rescued dogs: Ensure the identification and safety of rescue dogs by offering tattooing or microchipping services.
  44. Loan carpet steam cleaner: Assist foster homes in cleaning up after sick or marking dogs by loaning a carpet steam cleaner.
  45. Donate cleaning products: Provide essential cleaning supplies like bleach to foster homes.
  46. Donate or loan portable dog run: Help create quarantine areas for dogs with unknown vaccination histories by donating portable dog runs.
  47. Drive foster children to activities: Offer support to foster parents by driving their children to activities.
  48. Use video camera for filming: Document the daily lives of rescue dogs by using your video camera to film them in action.
  49. Pay for obedience classes: Support the training and behaviour improvement of rescue dogs by covering the cost of obedience classes.
  50. Be a weekly socialiser: Help foster homes socialise rescue dogs by visiting once a week with your children and dogs.
  51. Help clean up the yard: Offer physical assistance to foster homes by helping clean up after the dogs.
  52. Test foster dogs with cats: Assess the compatibility of foster dogs with cats to facilitate successful adoptions.
  53. Pay for grooming services: Contribute to the well-being of rescue dogs by covering the cost of grooming services.
  54. Bring take-out for foster parents: Offer a helping hand to foster parents by bringing them take-out meals.
  55. Pay for house cleaning: Support foster homes by covering the cost of house cleaning services.
  56. Lend artistic talents: Contribute to the visual appeal of newsletters, fundraising materials, and t-shirt designs with your artistic talents.
  57. Donate office supplies: Provide essential office supplies like printer paper, envelopes, and stamps to rescue organizations.
  58. Accompany to euthanasia: Offer emotional support by accompanying rescue personnel to the vet for euthanasia if necessary.
  59. Meet with shelter staff: Collaborate with local shelters to improve breed identification and provide valuable information.
  60. Solicit donations from businesses: Help raise funds by approaching local businesses for donations for fundraising events.
  61. Hold grooming seminars: Educate pet owners on grooming techniques by organizing and hosting grooming seminars.
  62. Answer training questions: Offer your expertise to pet owners by being available to answer training-related questions.
  63. Loan a crate for air travel: Assist with travel arrangements by loaning a crate for dogs flying.
  64. Create an owner's manual: Provide valuable information to adopters by creating an owner's manual for rescued dogs.
  65. Offer post-adoption support: Ensure the success of adoptions by providing post-adoption follow-up and support.
  66. Donate car-related services: Make life easier for fosters by donating vouchers for car washes, gas, or interior cleaning.
  67. Place ads in newspapers: Help rescue organisations find homes for dogs by paying for ads in local papers.
  68. Volunteer for call screening: Assist with screening calls from potential adopters in response to ads.
  69. Build/repair pens for foster homes: Contribute to the physical well-being of rescue dogs by helping build or repair pens for foster homes.
  70. Microchip your own pups: Ensure responsible breeding practices by microchipping your own puppies and registering the chips.
  71. Support responsible breeders: If you buy a dog, make sure you support responsible breeders who conduct health and temperament testing and purpose breed their dogs.
  72. Buy and donate two of each item: Take advantage of promotions by buying two items and donating one to rescue.
  73. Make financial arrangements in your will: Plan for the future by covering the cost of caring for your dogs in your will.
  74. Make a bequest in your will: Ensure the sustainability of local or national rescue organisations by making a bequest in your will.
  75. Donate professional services: Offer your professional skills, whether as an accountant, lawyer, or in other fields, to support rescue organisations.
  76. Donate business services: If you run your own business, contribute by donating relevant services to rescue organisations.
  77. Donate a vehicle: If you own a car dealership, consider donating the use of a vehicle to assist with rescue transportation.
  78. Loan mobile phone for transport: Facilitate communication during transportation by loaning your mobile phone and covering associated costs.
  79. Donate used dog dryer: Upgrade your equipment and donate your used dog dryer to rescue organisations.
  80. Notify of travel plans: Inform rescue organisations of your travel plans and offer to escort rescued dogs during your trips.
  81. Donate grid for vehicles: Provide a safe and secure space for dogs during transport by donating a grid for vehicles.
  82. Donate comforting dog toys: Contribute to the mental and physical well-being of rescue dogs by donating a variety of comforting and safe toys.
  83. Donate treat dispensing toys: Provide interactive toys that engage and stimulate rescue dogs mentally.
  84. Donate clickers or training videos: Support the training abilities of rescues by donating clickers or educational training videos.
  85. Donate materials for quarantine areas: Ensure the safety of rescue dogs by donating materials for quarantine areas in foster homes.
  86. Donate flooring materials: Protect foster homes by donating sheets of linoleum or other flooring materials to place under crates.
  87. Donate engraving tool: Help rescue organisations create identification tags by donating an engraving tool.
  88. Offer emergency assistance: Make yourself available on an emergency basis to assist with any needs that may arise in rescue efforts.
  89. Do something not listed above: Get creative and find unique ways to contribute to the well-being of rescue animals.
  90. Donate a doggy seatbelt or seat cover: Contribute to the safety of rescued dogs by donating doggy seatbelts and seat covers for secure travel.
  91. Donate a grid for a van or other vehicle: Enhance transportation safety by donating a grid for a van or other vehicle, ensuring dogs are secure during travel.
  92. Organise a rescued dog picnic or other event to reunite the rescued dogs that have been placed: Foster a sense of community by organising events like picnics to reunite rescued dogs and celebrate successful adoptions.
  93. Donate other types of doggy toys that might be safe for rescued dogs: Enrich the lives of rescued dogs by donating various safe and engaging toys for mental stimulation.
  94. Desex your own animals: Ensure you dogs are unable to have an accidental litter and desex your pet when they are an appropriate age.
  95. Donate materials for a quarantine area at a foster's home? Ensure the safety of dogs with unknown health histories by donating materials for a quarantine area at foster homes.
  96. Donate old vacuums and brooms: Help maintain cleanliness by donating cleaning supplies to rescues or foster carers.
  97. Foster Parent Mentoring: Share your fostering experience by mentoring new foster parents, providing guidance and support.
  98. Temp or Emergency Foster Care: Be on standby for emergency foster care situations, offering temporary shelter for dogs in urgent need.
  99. Pet Insurance Advocacy: Advocate for pet insurance to potential adopters, emphasising the importance of ongoing healthcare.
  100. Book Club for Pet Owners: Initiate a book club focused on literature about responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.

No matter your skills, resources, or time constraints, there are countless ways to support your local animal rescue. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or a newcomer to the world of animal welfare, your contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on the lives of rescue animals. Reach out to your local rescue organisation today and find the perfect way for you to make a difference.